Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!

Did you know that a person is more likely to trust information written in Baskerville than comic sans or even Helvetica for that matter? It’s true. A study shows that Baskerville is ‘truth’s favourite typeface’. It could be because we are trained to accept certain typefaces more than others or maybe because Baskerville was used in a lot of our textbooks growing up.

This goes to show that different fonts have a different effect on people. Designers use fonts to visually communicate a message which also conveys a certain mood, personality or tone which makes the selection process very important and often time consuming.

Presenting you some stunning font combinations that work perfectly well with each other. We’ve pulled fonts from google fonts, adobe fonts and other repositories as well. You can thank us later 😉

Title: Serif and body: Sans Serif

  1. Playfair Display / Raleway

Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!
  1. Merriweather / DM Sans

Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!

  1. Street Slab/ Red Hat Display

Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!

Pairing Serif style with a body content of sans-serif is a classic combination. The serif endings of the font along with the ascenders and descenders give a distinct look but at the same time not too eye-catching while giving enough attention to the sans serif font it is paired with. This combination is so versatile and great for all kinds websites and they are the go-to default when designing applications.

Title: Sans Serif and body: Serif 

  1. TT Commons / Noto Serif

Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!

  1. Oswald / Crimson text

Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!

  1. Helvetica Neue / Garamond

Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!

Pairing Sans-serif with a body style of serif is a bit tricky. One must consider the content and brand idea for such pairing. A Condensed type font like Oswald attracts attention, meanwhile the Helvetica Neue heading and its combination with Garamond gives elegance and luxe. These font combinations work well for print material, traditional businesses and luxury brands. Serif fonts are generally said to appear more trustworthy and legible.

Title & body: Sans Serif

  1. Montserrat / Poppins

Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!
  1. Ubuntu / Open Sans

Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!

Using Sans Serif for heading and body is simplistic and minimal. Firms that want to appear youthful, bold and modern usually use Sans Serif typefaces to make this distinction. There’s a plethora of options to make them send the right message. Thin to fit elegancy or super heavy to make the brand come off as bold. This is probably why this font type is used to send the tone as simple, fun and widely usable. Sans Serif is perfect for brands that are doing something in vogue like tech firms and design studios!

Title: Handwritten/decorative and body: Sans Serif

  1. Amatic SC / Sofia Pro

Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!

  1. Pacifico / SF Pro Display 

Top 10 font combinations- Matches truly made in heaven!

Decorative and handwritten fonts are used to convey uniqueness or quirk! You won’t see too many websites in this era with these font types as they are not easily scalable and also harder to read (in comparison to Sans Serif and most Seif fonts) so it is recommended to use them sparingly. They are extremely attention grabbing so they come handy to put out your message easily. Ideal for clothing, logos, quotes, and any visual where creativity and flair need to stand out!

And it’s a wrap!

As tedious font pairing can be, once you get a hang of it, it’s fun! The above are just a few of the NUMEROUS font combinations that can be used. Just make sure that the fonts you choose work well with each other, establish a hierarchy, look like one unit, balance each other out and most importantly, serve the purpose! 

Website design and development

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