How to Use SEO in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

How to Use SEO in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

This article is originally posted at Most people today know that Search Engine Optimization or SEO is critical to having a successful online business. What they may not know is exactly how to use it in their marketing plan. Incorporating strategically chosen keywords, with valuable content, can dramatically increase your world-wide-web presence, and ultimately, […]

Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

A common question that runs through every marketer’s head is, which marketing method should I use? Which one is going to give me the highest ROI? Marketing is an important aspect of business that cannot, rather should not be ignored. There is a trend among marketers to move towards digital marketing for a number of […]

5 ways to improve your website’s SEO

5 ways to improve your website's SEO

You have a great website with everything in place. The next step is to make people visit it; which means your website needs to be visible on search engines. This requires SEO- search engine optimization. With so many websites online, it is a huge challenge to get yours on top of the listing. Luckily, there […]

Blogging 101- The basics of blogging

Blogging 101- The basics of blogging

When you’re having a conversation with someone, you might have wondered ‘I know quite a bit about this, I should probably write about it’. This is how a lot of people start blogging. Many of us want to start a blog but we don’t know where or how to start. The rest of us are […]

The inevitability of psychology in marketing

The inevitability of psychology in marketing

Marketing is considered a core function of any business and is given utmost importance because it plays a significant role in helping your business succeed. Personally, I think it is one of the most dynamic and fun processes involved in running a business. Marketing strategies vary from firm to firm, even product to product! It […]

Why is content marketing gaining importance?

Why is content marketing gaining importance?

Because it works! Most of the businesses are looking to content marketing as a promising new strategy to achieve their marketing objectives. A recent study conducted showed that over 70% of consumers prefer getting information from articles rather than corporate advertisements. This is the underlying reason for the rise in popularity of content marketing. What […]

Why does your business need a social media strategy?

Why does your business need a social media strategy?

The importance of social media cannot be emphasised enough. With the average person having five social media accounts online and spending about  1.4 hours on these networks everyday says a lot about its significance for businesses If you’re still not convinced, here are 8 reasons why your business needs to be social media NOW. 1. […]

How important is brand identity?

How important is brand identity?

Branding is a really common term in today’s business era. Every company today wants to have its own brand identity. It is often the first thing a person would think about when they are about to start a business. Why is brand identity so important and what purpose does it serve? In this post, we […]

The importance of storytelling in Marketing

The importance of storytelling in Marketing

People have been using stories for centuries in all cultures and walks of life to convey a message, a lesson or impart knowledge because it has proven to be the best tool for retention and understanding.  From childhood to adulthood, something about stories captivates us, be it in the form of books, articles, audios, movies, […]

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